Sunday, 21 February 2010

what a week

Sorry..another recap. I've been quite busy these days. Quite? hahah.. There is a new student in my house. Her name is Rana, from Saudi Arabia. She came last Tuesday and my hostmother was so busy to take her round that all of the sudden I became a guide, like a tour guide. Nalar preman berfungsi! I showed her all the bus stops, city centre, market around house, shortcut way, and of course, got her plus pass card! But I think that's too much for her. She's got lost on her first day! ah, gw udah gambarin map jg..
Rubbish! oh, I like that word now. rubbish rubbish rubbisssshhhh.. got that word from everywhere. my teacher always says it everyday. and my classmate. and then yesterday when i watched Takeshi's Castle with my host father, he said "oh, look! w***n are rubbish!" haha. rubbissshhhh..
and..i made the Indonesia police's image looks bad in here. hehe. nanti dibahasnya ah. saya mau bobo dulu. marii... (^.^)v

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